What is this?
Tired of using various buttons and inputs to create a longer survey?
Enter your questions into the text area to generate a survey.
Question titles start with a number and a fullstop.
Example: 1. Where did you meet?
Define the type of answer with markdown characters in a new line:
> (short text answer)
>> (longer text answer)
- single choice option (Example: - option 1)
[] multiple choices (Example: [] option 1)
:from-to: (scale or rating choices, example: :1-7:)
Questions without defined answer types are displayed as statement blocks.
You can start by using this simple example:
1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
- Less than 3
- About 18
- More than 21
3. Which are your favorite animals?
[] Red panda
[] Koala
[] Polar bear
[] Kenguru
4. How would you rate your experience with them?
:Not great-Awesome:
5. That's all folks!
This is a simple statment.